This is fascinating.
Tri-Border Between Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay.
A natural feature, the convergence of two rivers, forms a political boundary.
The Triple Frontier is the tri-border region where the borders of 3 countries meet: Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil.
While there are many triple borders in the world, this, in particular, is formed naturally by the convergence of two rivers – the Parana River and the Iguazu River.
Geocache Description:
This cache is located at “The Ayrshire Tripoint”
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A Tripoint is a geographical point at which the borders of three countries or sub-national entities meet.
There are currently 157 international tripoints (i.e., tri-country points) by some accounts and as many as 176 (or even 207) by others. Nearly half of these usually exact but sometimes slightly indefinite places are situated not on dry land but in rivers or lakes or seas.
When on dry land, the exact tripoints are usually demarcated by the center or vertex of special (but highly various) markers or pillars. Often and increasingly such places are also the sites of sometimes extensive monumental memorials and expositions. The Ayrshire Tripoint is undefined… unless you count that huge sewage pipe!
The Triple Frontier: Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay Tripoint
The Triple Frontier (Spanish: La Triple Frontera, Portuguese: Tríplice Fronteira) is a tri-border area along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, where the Iguazú and Paraná rivers converge. Near the convergence are the cities of Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná; Puerto Iguazú, Misiones and Foz do Iguacu, Paraná. This area is near Iguazú Falls and the Itaipú hydroelectric plant.

The Triple Frontier (Spanish: La Triple Frontera, Portuguese: Tríplice Fronteira) is a tri-border area along the junction of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil, where the Iguazú and Paraná rivers converge. Near the convergence are the cities of Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná; Puerto Iguazú, Misiones and Foz do Iguacu, Paraná. This area is near Iguazú Falls and the Itaipú hydroelectric plant.
Three Country Cairn: Sweden, Norway, and Finland Tripoint

Germany, France, and Switzerland Tripoint

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