Water has no calories… Water has no sugar… Water has no fat
Drinking water to lose weight has been around for years. For some obscure reason drinking water to lose weight is the newest and latest marketing marvel. This re-creation of a well known fact doesn’t surprise me. The weight loss industry is a 61 billion dollar revenue generating machine in the U.S. market alone. They can pick the smallest news headline like drinking water will help you lose weight and presto, in one day they have a new niche worth millions.
Did you know, more marathon runners have complications due to over hydration during their marathon than they have with dehydration. More than just a few end in death. This becomes a factor when the intake and the release of water is not balanced by enough physical exertion. So the bottom line is if you are thinking about drinking large volumes of water to lose weight, you had better be prepared for some pretty intense workouts.
To lose weight there is no miracle diet. That’s not to say there are not legitimate programs out there that will help you lose weight quickly and in a manner that can be sustained as a healthy lifestyle.
WATER Facts:Drinking 8 glasses of water a day will aid in weight loss. True1 large glass of water during a meal will slow down the eating process while making you feel full. True1 large glass of water before you eat will aid in weight reduction. TrueDrinking water when you feel hungry will aid in weight reduction. TrueDrinking water while you exercise will aid in weight reduction. True
My advise to people who are truly serious about losing those unwanted pounds and developing a healthy lifestyle. Don’t focus on one cure all solution, find a program that is a combination of many proven techniques that work together to shed those unwanted pounds.
Find a program that promotes drinking water as a component of a complete well balanced weight management system and promotes a variety of food selections, flexible exercise program, menu planner and most importantly a network of support.

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