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Brasil, officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese: República Federativa do Brasil, is the largest country in both South America and the Latin American region. It is the world’s fifth largest country, both by geographical area and by population. It is the largest Lusophone country in the world, and the only one in the Americas.
Rank |
Company | City/State | Business Field |
1 |
Petrobras | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Petroleum and Energy |
2 |
BR Distribuidora | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Wholesale (fuel) |
3 |
Telemar | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Telecommunications |
4 |
Telefonica | São Paulo, SP | Telecommunications |
5 |
Ambev | São Paulo, SP | Beer and drinks |
6 |
Ipiranga | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Wholesale (Fuel) |
7 |
Volkswagen | São Bernardo, SP | Automobiles |
8 |
Shell | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Wholesale (Fuel) |
9 |
General Motors | São Caetano, SP | Automobiles |
10 |
Brasil Telecom | Brasilia, DF | Telecommunications |
11 |
Bunge Food | Gaspar, SC | Food and Drink |
12 |
Pão de Açucar | São Paulo, SP | Retailer |
13 |
Vale do Rio Doce | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Mining |
14 |
Carrefour | São Paulo, SP | Retailer |
15 |
Brasken | Camaçari, BA | Petrochemical |
16 |
Esso | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Wholesale (Fuel) |
17 |
Texaco | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Wholesale (Fuel) |
18 |
Embratel | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Telecommunication |
19 |
Cargill | São Paulo, SP | Food and Drink |
20 |
Eletropaulo | São Paulo, SP | Utilities (Electricity) |
21 |
Nestle | São Paulo, SP | Food and Drink |
22 |
FIAT | Betim, MG | Automobiles |
23 |
CEMIG | Belo Horizonte | Utilities (Electricity) |
24 |
C.S.N. | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Iron and Steel |
25 |
VARIG | Porto Alegre, RS | Transportation (air carrier) |
26 |
Unilever | São Paulo, SP | Pharmacy and Hygiene |
27 |
Souza Cruz | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Tobacco |
28 |
Embraer | São José Campos, SP | Airplanes |
29 |
Gerdau | Porto Alegre, RS | Iron and Steel |
30 |
Usiminas | Belo Horizonte, MG | Iron and Steel |
31 |
Itaipu | Brasilia, DF | Utilities (Electricity) |
32 |
REFAP | Canoas, RS | Petrochemical |
33 |
Casas Bahia | São Caetano do Sul, SP | Retailer |
34 |
AGIP | São Paulo, SP | Utilities |
35 |
Correios | Brasília, DF | Postal Service |
36 |
DaimlerChrysler | São Bernardo, SP | Automobiles |
37 |
Sadia | Concórdia, SC | Food |
38 |
Light | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Utilities (Electricity) |
39 |
Copesul | Triunfo, RS | Petrochemical |
40 |
Ford | São Bernardo, SP | Automobiles |
41 |
Vivo | São Paulo, SP | Telecommunications |
42 |
Furnas | Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Utilities (Electricity) |
43 |
Bunge Fertilizers | São Paulo, SP | Fertilizers |
44 |
CPFL | Campinas, SP | Utilities (Electricity) |
45 |
Cosipa | São Paulo, SP | Iron and Steel |
46 |
Nokia | Manaus, AM | Electronics |
47 |
Sabesp | São Paulo, SP | Utilities (Water & Sewage) |
48 |
Perdigão | São Paulo, SP | Food |
49 |
Basf | São Bernardo, SP | Chemicals |
50 |
Copersucar | São Paulo, SP | Wholesale (sugar & alcohol) |
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