Give me a hiking trail, a field, a forest, or a cliff overlooking the water anytime. No doubt, tramping around in the woods is one of my favorite things to do. I am a sucker for waterfalls.
I purchased my first Nikon years ago. I take a camera whenever I go off on an adventure. Whether it is to the woods or to a city. I have enjoyed owning and using different makes and models of cameras. For me, Nikon is my preference. Somehow, I have connected with the brand. If I have a choice, I go with Nikon.
I was sizing up a stream one sunny afternoon – looking for a place to cross. The depth varied, and as I looked for a way across, I found a shallow part with lots of pebbles. I figured I could make it across without too much trouble. My hiking boots were still dry – I was wearing wool socks too thick for the weather. It was twenty feet before I would get to some larger rocks. I figured I could cross then scamper up to the bank.
In particular, a large smooth rock came between me and the bank. Positioned with the slope of the water flow, water from the stream rolled over the rock. I thought for sure I would make it.
Pebbles behind me and smooth rock ahead, I went for it. My camera was in my right hand. I reached up to get my left hand on the top of the rock. With my left foot leading I stepped at the same time as I grabbed and pulled.
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Yes, I dunked my Nikon. I got up and made it to the bank. My clothing was wet up to my chest. Hiking boots and socks soaking wet, my camera was underwater for about two seconds. It took some effort to could get up.
I did what I could to save my Nikon. Everything in the backpack was in plastic bags. I dried it off the best I could, 35mm cameras are not water-tight. I regrouped on the bank and continued my hike. Had I had any inkling that the large smooth rock was slick with moss, I would not have chosen that route to the bank. Now, after crossing the stream, I owned a black bauble with Nikkor mounted.
Off to the camera shop for an expert opinion. Staggered by the high cost of the clean-up, I started looking for a replacement rig.
There is a dunked Nikon on display in my office.