Donald Sterling is leaving without a fight.
He is dropping his plans to sue the NBA, leaving only approval by the league’s owners for Steve Ballmer to become the new owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. It is probably a done deal at this point since the sale looks like it is going through.
I have to say that this entire drama is just so stunning to me if not surreal. It is remarkable to me that his silly rabbit, I mean his trusted silly rabbit, possibly an employee of the Clippers?, was able to do him in.
Here is the bottom line. Taping him without his knowledge is downright wrong. You can say he knew about the taping. That covers the legal problems. If he did know about it, then allowing it to leak is unthinkable. Seriously, how can an Archivist allow such a thing to happen. Where is the personal and professional responsibility?
Leaking it to TMZ? Unthinkable. Leaving these recordings to mustard on the front of their shirts hacks is just unthinkable.
Next question. How could Donald Sterling get in front of the press without a slick, PR Consultant approved, damage control message?
Who let him do this?…Cliven Bundy?
My question is this. If she taped 100s of hours of Donald Sterling, why didn’t we hear about everyday stuff… like his intense dislike of jalapeno burgers or the busy traffic on the 5? How did the comments related to race get leaked? You know, just the damaging comments. Comments enough to make dinner with his mistress a scandal.
Then of course, someone needs to answer this one. Does Donald Sterling describe Ms. V as the family archivist? Is there something remarkable about Mr. Sterling’s free wheeling rambles that needs to be written down somewhere? What? He sat there with this squeeze recording away. Thinking to himself… wow this is greaaat! She is getting all these comments! I am so fortunate to have an Archivist, let alone one who doesn’t miss a word of what I am saying. Wow, that’s a fortunate guy.
Sounds to me like the man got crunched by a gold digger. Well no, not crunched… let’s call it blindsided. Sized up, mislead, made vulnerable, disrespected, then blindsided. I will let the miles apart values alone for now. What, wait? Which values? Oh, you know values that cross generations and smeared by billions of dollars.
My opinion on all of this is heavily influenced by the job AND the compensation this specially enabled silly rabbit is entitled to for executing the duties of Archivist. I have been looking for Ferrari level pay rates for jobs as Archivist, you know, for my own professional advancement. I figure, if I can land this type of work and score a couple of yellow horses and add a few Bentleys, I would be on to something very satisfying. I just hope there is room for advancement.
Do you know how much brake pads and an oil change cost on a Ferrari 458? Call a Ferrari dealership and ask. No wait, tell them you dinged a rim in the Taco Bell drive through and your tire is losing air all the time. Yeah, just get a ballpark figure. Post the estimate repair costs in the comments box below. There is a reason most people we run into don’t own cars like this. Cue the oh! oh!, O’Reilly auto parts commercial song.
I will learn how to make a tape recorder work well enough to get the job done. Hell, I would even go to a ball game or two provided I sat on center court and someone watched my 458 while I was inside building relationships.
(btw, my Ferrari California is in the shop getting the oil changed.)
This job comes with parking too, right? I will have to remember to ask during my interview. You know, when the interviewer says to you… ” Well, do you have any questions for me?” I will be ready with …. uh wha..? Oh yea…errrr. This job comes with parking too, right? BAM! Hired on the spot!
I spent years as a Human Resources professional. I had a specialty of breaking open the rat’s nest and working through problems. I met Sluggo. I fired Sluggo.
Let me put it to you this way, I dealt with so many wrong things that you can no longer make me blush. Drugs, double-dealings, fake documents, theft, harassment, bald-faced lies, sex between associates during work hours and after work in the car… ( windows were fogged up). I have had my life threatened and guns pulled on me. I have been accused of all sorts to things like being a racist, moron, a liar, a felon, and a spy.
Here is an example of what I am talking about. Once after interviewing an employee (we had it all on HD zoomed in video) who was stealing money from the register, the associate in question went to the police after our meeting and filed a police report stating that I had held her hostage and interrogated her. There is more to it but you get the idea.
What I am trying to say is professional people, such as HR Professionals deal with hate every day. Gold diggers posing as Archivists don’t. That’s why I am stunned that something like ” Do you have to bring black people to the games?” set off such a firestorm. But I do understand that someone with a bone to pick could bypass their oath of “you can trust me.”
My gut reaction the first time I heard it was this. To me, it sounded like a Dad cajoling his daughter… as in review of what her expected behavior was and a reminder of how he didn’t like her coming home after midnight and not calling to say you will be late. I have heard a lot worse. Coming from a guy who keeps hostages… I am telling you to listen to me on this. This man may be a bigot. He was set up. Say what you will. He was set up.
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Racism is racism. It exists. But how is that so bad in comparison to what else is out there? I am in no way discounting the impact it had but a lot happened before and after those words were uttered. A lot led up to this. Did Ms. V have a strategy? A secret ambition? No one knows. Even Dr. Phil had a take on it. A racist comment, uttered and utterly recorded. WOW! A 2 billion dollar comment. 2 billion dollars is a huge sum.
A tape recording is mightier than a sword, a pen, or a billionaire.
I am not talking about bigotry right now. You don’t have to agree with me. This man was snookered. It was a setup. He trusted someone who he should not have trusted.
He believed her. She misled him.
You don’t have to look far if you like blues music to get clarification on this one. The concept of the “outside woman” is clearly established and explained. No, I mean the heartache a man goes through when he has troubles related to his “outside woman.” Almost every song tells you to drop your outside woman and go home and love your wife.
If there ever was an outside woman, our girl V would be it. Not only an outsider, an outsider posing as a silly rabbit. She said how sorry she is for all of this. You did hear that she was so sorry that all of this happened. She was sorry. The most sorry of anyone.
Opening in theatres in the fall, 2018. “Sterling Sells.” The true story of an Archivist, a Ferrari, and a bad boy billionaire who liked to keep his basketballs full of air. Don’t miss this love story full of gold digging, lies, deceit, Ferraris, forced sales of assets, racism, hate speech, possible illegal recording. Not to be missed at a drive in or theatre near you.
If you read dp@large regularly you know I am seldom wrong. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a hostage quota to meet.
I wish all involved parties, peace, happiness, and future prosperity surpassed only by good health. <- (karma statement)