I lived in Osaka and worked in Tokyo. I took to Shinkansen to work every week. I would leave Osaka Station at 7:07 am and arrive in Tokyo 3 hours later. I fell in love with the bullet train!
I loved the Nozomi.
My favorite was the one pictured above. It was the 300 series high-speed Shinkansen train type which operated on the Tōkaidō and Sanyō Shinkansen lines in Japan between 1992 and 2012.
When first introduced, they were used on the fastest Nozomi services, being capable of 270 km/h (170 mph).
They were built by several companies and I especially loved the ones by Hitachi.
When I lived there, there were 3 models running, the Kodama, the Hikari, and the Nozomi.
This is the earlier Kodama. Has a vintage or retro look compared to today’s trains? I always thought the front of the train looked like an airplane nose cone.
Here is the Hikari. I rode this one a lot. It was nicer inside than the Kodama.
And of course, the Nozomi. The Nozomi was made by several companies. There were slight differences between the makers. You probably wouldn’t notice but after so many trips I could tell the difference.
On the way back to Osaka I would take the 7:00 pm train from Tokyo Station which would give me 3 hours quiet time. Of course, It was necessary to stock up on cans of Asahi Super Dry beer and snacks as I was a man at rest.
Of course, you have to take your shoes off for the 3-hour trip. Because of this… you can’t spill your beer. The floor of a Nozomi is clean enough to eat off of. No kidding.
I went back and forth so many times I can’t count them all. Almost every week for two years. I made the Osaka-Tokyo-Osaka on the same day trip more times than I care to remember. Not complaining though, the Shinkansen is like no other commuter trip. If you haven’t done this you must.
Go to Osaka. (Osaka is famous for food so go hungry)
Get a ticket and go.
Do this!
Viva Nozomi!
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