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Criminal activity abounds in the wake of a Grand Jury decision to not indict Darren Wilson.
Shameful and with no purpose. Where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? They incited this activity for 90 days.
They are now no where to be found. The people of America need to trust their legal system.
The testimony over 100 days showed nothing that proved the officer did anything illegal in executing his duties.
It was reported that most of the property damage in this evening of mayhem were to black owned businesses.
If that is true… that 20 minority businesses were burned to the ground…
That those who set these businesses ablaze were themselves black,
then it my opinion, that rioting in the name of Michael Brown in not a problem of race… but a moral problem.
And did I hear a sound bite of Michael Brown’s Stepfather chant on camera during a rally…
” Burn this motherfucker down… Let’s burn this bitch down !!! Give me the fucking mic…. burn this bitch down”
Don’t waste my time with protests if that is what this is all about… I can do that any afternoon.
I suggest to the protesters that the testimony is available in print… maybe read the testimony…
What a shame.