Kick your communication skills up a notch.
Never say these words. These words put you in a category. Personally, I think use of these words stunt your communication. Is it possible that your audience finds you predictable? Are you givng your audience a reason to listen or are they turned off by buzzwords?
THINK before you speak. Strike these words and phrases immediately. Your vocabulary is a direct indicator of your intelligence, poise and judgement. Saying Awesome Baby! To the CEO will make an impression. Probably one you don t want EVEN if the CEO says AWESOME BABY! 9 times a day. One more thing… listen for when you use “like” as in some I’m standing there like…
If you need help or need some new words look up the word in a thesaurus and write down 5 alternates and use them in rotation. Practice using them so you don’t sound awkward or unsure.
Couple of tips
Think before you speak
Gauge your audience – Know who you are talking to
Never make up words, phrases or try clever twists
Don’t make jokes -Humor doesn’t translate – by the way… you’re not funny
Don’t take careless chances
Keep your mouth shut if at all possible – You ll come off as smart and poised
Let someone else make an ass of themselves – Don’t react – Observe
Start Here. Round up these phrases and retire them.
Hit the ground running
We’ll need to revisit this later
Disrupting the ______ space
At the end of the day
Lots of moving parts
Going forward
Circle back
Reach out
Can we schedule something
Let’s get on a call
Take a deep dive
Strategic staircase
Beer o’clock
Robust and scalable
The enterprise
Run it up the flagpole
Move the needle
Peel the onion
Our signals were crossed
Mission critical
Take that off-line
_____________-baby as in Awesome Baby!
Oh my God!
I know, riiight?!
No worries
Low hanging fruit
This is a bunch of bananas.
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