You need to follow these instructions exactly as they are stated here in the instructions in case the 9 other morons who may or may not decide to apply follow the rules even after 2 hours of trying to come up with a password or username that actually gets accepted before they can apply for a job at this pathetic company.
Applicants report that it took them so long to figure out the password rules that they had completely forgotten about the job and could not remember the company they were applying to anymore. It was also noted that several candidates stated that it made them feel good because they followed some other moron’s rules to enter a password.
It is also important to note that no applicant was ever contacted by the company after completing the 3 hour 45 minute application process. Applicants do however get 8 emails a day inviting them to join the company talent network and stay informed of new openings they have no hope of ever interview for. Ever. Have a nice day…somewhere else.
New User Registration
You will need this information to access your account and apply to jobs.
When finished, click Continue.
User Name Requirements:
- Must contain between 8 and 18 characters
- May contain letters, numbers, or any of the following (period, hyphen, underscore)
- User name is not case sensitive
Password Requirements:
- Must contain between 8 and 32 characters
- Must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number
- Password cannot contain a bracket character (< or >)
- Password is case sensitive
Required fields are marked with an asterisk *
We are confirming that you recently started to apply for a Associate Office Jabroni – Remote possible – (Job Number: 2587753-65320) job at Pathetic Company.
If you haven’t completed your application, please return to the job at the Pathetic Company career site and continue trying to enter a password and username combination according to the instructions.
The Pathetic Company Talent Acquisition Team
Support for dp@large is greatly appreciated
TWITTER with dp @dpatlarge & @dpatlarge2
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